
Trust with patti jenkins

In this Bonus Episode, I speak with Patti Jenkins, a Master Facilitator for The Virtues Project, a passionate and purposeful educator and a loving mother. We discuss the virtue of Trust, and how important it is to develop a culture of trust in our relationships. We dive into examples related to families and education as well. In an episode filled with love, laughter, wisdom and full of emotion, Patti truly delivers one of the most profound conversations we’ve had to date.

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Cultivating character around the world

Join us for our weekly forum with guest Patti Jenkins who will share the insights gained from the reflections of the participants who have been attending her weekly online Virtues Sharing Circle during the pandemic. Patti Jenkins holds a B.A., B.ed, and OCT, as well as being a Master Facilitator of The Virtues Project™. As a Master Facilitator, she guided her high school through the full Virtues Project™ training so that it would be used as the basis of the school’s character development program creating meaningful and transformative events and activities for the school community. Outside of school, Patti has had many years serving junior youth and youth programs and incorporating The Virtues Project™ into those programs. All are welcome.

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