
10 Years of Virtue Of The Month

10 Years of Virtue Of The Month

By mid-August, after one last camping trip, I would allow my thoughts to turn to the next school year. The first item to deal with was the Theme of the Year.


It’s really important to decide what theme the Virtue of the Month Initiative would be based on.  All the activities were centered on this. The theme should be a broad idea so it can be inspiring but simple enough so that a lot of people can connect to it.  Throughout the activities of the year, we would strive to make it meaningful to us.


Meaningful. Inspirational. Relatable. 


The theme for the year was often picked in late May or June so you could come into September ready to move forward with The Virtues of the Month initiative but if that didn’t happen, pick it now!


We had many Themes through the years for example:


Unity in Diversity,


Our Common Ground,

I see the world with…,






We are…,

Right Here!, Right Now!,

Re… (renew, revise, etc),

and to name a few.